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Ways to Use Trensité
Milk Powder

Trensite Dairy milk powder


Add 3 tbsp (30g) of Trensité powdered milk with 1 cup (220 ml) of cold water. Stir well and leave the mixed milk in the refrigerator overnight, for next-day use. For quick consumption, warm water can be used. Stir well.

Trensite Dairy Butter


Mix 3 tbsp (30g) of Trensité powdered milk, or with proportions you need, to your favourite bread recipe for a delicious smelling aroma. It can also be used in cakes, cookies, and other baking recipes.

Trensite Dairy Blender


Blend 3 tbsp (30g) of Trensité powdered milk, or with proportions you need, to your favourite smoothies for added nutrition and flavour.

Trensite Dairy Butter


In your mason jar or food processor, add 3/4 cup of Trensité powdered milk, 1/3 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of oil and salt (if using). Shake or blend until it reaches your desired consistency, and then store and use as needed.

Our Products are Non-GMO,
Dairy Farmer Certified and Kosher.

Trensite Dairy Our Products are Non-GMO, Dairy Farmer Certified and Kosher